Buttons, Buttons, Buttons! There are so many fun button crafts to do with both adults and kids. Buttons are an easy way to keep kids entertained for little cost and little mess. We all have buttons laying around from an old sewing box, maybe in a jar you inherited from your grandmother, or tucked away hidden in that junk drawer. Now is the time to collect all those buttons and make something creative. Here are some fun ideas the whole family will love:

1. Button flowers: Buttons make beautiful flowers. Find five buttons in a similar color and size for the petals and one in a different color for the the middle of the flower. Glue them on a piece of paper and add some stems and leaves. You can make a single flower or a whole garden.

2. Button trees: Draw or stamp tree branches on a blank card, piece of paper, or gift tag. Use the buttons to make the leaves or flowers on the trees. Change the colors of the buttons for different seasons. Add a sentiment or personalize it with a special note.

3. Button bracelet: An easy way to make a fun and funky bracelet is by using old buttons and a pipe cleaner. Kids can easily string buttons on a pipe cleaner and go through two holes. Parents can twist the pipe cleaner to fit the child’s wrist.

4. Button cupcake: This is a fun one to do at a birthday party. Fold a cupcake wrapper in half and glue on a piece of paper. Draw the frosting on top. Glue on buttons as sprinkles or make the whole top of the cupcake into buttons.

5. Button heart canvas art: Draw a heart on a blank canvas. Glue buttons on the inside to fill up the heart. This could be done on a smaller scale for a card.

6. Button flowers on sticks: Glue buttons on the top of a popsicle stick. Add a few green button leaves halfway down the stick.

7. Button ornaments: Cover a simple ornament with buttons or use a pipe cleaner and make a circular wreath by stringing buttons.

8. Button hair clip: Buy some hair clip blanks at the craft store and hot glue assorted buttons on them to match your child’s outfits or their personality.

9. Button wall art: Create some beautiful wall art out of buttons. Flowers, animals, or even abstract art can be created out of buttons. Grab a blank canvas, a frame or some burlap and a glue gun and start creating.

10. Button monogram: Create a letter in buttons to hang on your wall.